Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Nightmare Life Without Fuel

In this essay the writer Isaac Asimor(1920-1992) deals with problem of fuel crises and draws our attention to the issue of conserving fuel.The major thrust (focus) of this essay is what is going to happen if we don't conserve the world natural resources.Throughout the essay the writer depits the nightmare life without the fuel.
In this essay the writer portrays the american life durind late 1990 when americans were having horrible problem by the fuel crises.Because of the fuel crises in 1997 the prices of the fuel raised high and only very rich people can have the car.Life was worse outside the city area in the suburb area as due to the fule crises the people living in suburb's used to push carts.If the road was blocked due to the snow strome ,they suffered more.They couldn't buy a lot of food at one time and they couldn't use the refrigerator either.Because of the difficulty of the distribution of the food,americans were forced to eat less. 
The situtation of the people outside America was worse.Not more than 20% of population has enough food to eat.The first and formost helpless victim of this starvation were babies after theie mothers had gone dry because of the lack of nutrition.
About 40% of the people manage to little to keep their bodies working but that provide to be not enough for their brain.Those people were alive but they were permanently brain-damaged under nutrition.Moreover because of the fule crises there were no more armies because they were expensive can consumed a lot of energy.The writer calls armies "The Expensive ,energy gobling monstrosities".
The writer further depites thw nightmare ife without fuel by informing tht machines most be replaced by the humans bodies because of the fuel crises .People worked like machine and they had less free time .Infact they didnot need more free time because they couldn't enjoy T.V,movie and news book for a long time .work,Sleep and Eating had became the most important aspects of their life according to the writer thedy had almost returned to the day of 18th century to the day before machine,industry,technology and the population of the world was going to be reduced from 5.5 billion to 1 billion because of hunger,diseases and starvation.
The writer concludes his essay by saying that now in such a situation the american could do nothing to prevent all this disaster,But if they would have started earlier ,it would have been easy.   

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